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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Red Light Therapy- as good as a sauna? On PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast


I want you to try red light therapy!  And, unlike pretty much everyone else urging you to try it- I have nothing to sell you.  I am just like an older brother (I am the eldest brother of eight children, after all), who wants you to be healthy and do well.  And this therapy, just like eating a paleo type of diet, exercising daily in an ancestral, natural way, and sleeping in a blacked out room for at least 8 hours per night- well, it will further greatly enhance your health and wellness.  

And, I will tell you how to do it easily and cheaply!  Interested?

I have been well aware of the benefits of the sauna for quite some time- a full, high heat sauna will help you to sweat out toxins, heal your body, and help you to recover from hard training faster.  Saunas are wondeful- but, they are also expensive, inconvenient, and hard for some to even tolerate.  They are hot, real hot!

I like a sauna, but being a cheap, rural dweller I decided to try to duplicate the advantages without a major expense, or a daily trip to the YMCA.  As a home-based person, who exercises in my living room, basement, and outdoors in the woods, the Y would be an admission of dependence; showing that I actually need a high priced facility to be totally healthy.  I know that is not true!

So, I experimented this summer with the sauna of the ancient Greeks- the sun!  I sat in shorts only in the direct sunshine, glorying in the warmth and the rays basking my shirtless body, only ensuring that I stopped before any burning whatsoever.  

This simple therapy proved wonderful!  In the summer (at least here in the north country), this is the way to go.  The full spectrum of light provided by the sun provides a wonderful means to improve the circulation, thus enhancing recovery from workouts, the release of toxins, the killing of viruses, and all of the other benefits of light and heat.  In other words, the sun (in summer at least) is a natural sauna!

In fact, I liked the results so much that I cast about for a solution for something similar in the Winter!  There is no way to bask in the sun here in Wisconsin in January, or in the other 7 months of winter here…

I thought of converting one of my outbuildings to a sauna, but the expense and the ruination of my cute little sheds bothered me a lot.  So I kept looking, and researching, which is what I do.

Red light therapy came up, and it is amazing!  Pretty much all of the benefits of a sauna, and some that are even more beneficial.  I now believe that a sauna that also incorporates red light therapy within it would be the best of all worlds, but I also believe now that for your average person, simple red light treatments, done at home, are the preferable option for 99% of people.

All you need is a simple red heat lamp, such as is used to heat up chicken coops in winter, held in a 250 watt holder!  

I found this idea at Wendy Meyers site,
I had also read about it elsewhere, but I like to give credit where credit is due: thanks Wendy!  I actually read her article after having bought the same equipment on Amazon, just using my own noggin, and being super pleased with how it worked out.

I now go into my shed, and hang this contraption from a nail above my head.  I also use it as a handheld unit, focussing it on various parts of my body to focus the heat and light where I want it.  I love the intense red ray spectrum on my torso and face, and lately on my sprained foot to encourage healing.

The sense of calm that comes from simply sittting while reading beneath this device is amazing!  You will reset your sleep and circadian rhythmn cycles by doing so without really trying, also I cannot imagine being depressed after undergoing such a regimen.  It is that transforming!

So- there you go!  Instead of a sauna costing thousands of dollars, or even a red light therapy device costing many hundreds- here is the ideal device you can have for about $25, delivered to your door by Amazon.  

This is kind of like delivering the tropics to your northern doorstep, to envelope you in life-giving warmth and light year round!  It will be sort of a ‘forest bathing’ type of light that will rejuvenate you year round, grounding you in Mother Nature.  Even while blizzards whip across the landscape outside in Wisconsin or elsewhere in the north, you will be snug in your cave, furnace blasting dry heat, drying you up and depressing you, BUT:

You will also be basking in the red light of healing- the light of your ancestral equatorial origins- just sitting in your easy chair, book in your hand, being reborn in a way.  And the best part?  Not only do you not have to drive to the YMCA through the snow, or to some chiropractic facility with a sauna or red light room-

You have it right at home, for about $25.