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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Jesus Is Coming Soon | Official Music Video | Redeemed Quartet

A Good Life is a PALEO Life! podcast


We all want to live a good life.  We NEED to live a good, successful, in harmony with nature and our neighbors type of life!  But, what sort of life should this be?  Should we live in accordance with modern tradition, by moving to a major metropolitan area, and get a high paying job, and raise our family either in the city itself, or in the nearby suburbs?

NO!  What you really want and need, to be healthy and well adjusted, is to live a PALEO LIFE.  By this, I mean a life that is in accordance with our evolutionary past.  A life that, just like the paleo diet itself, is in the way that we evolved, and and the type of life that we are meant to live.  A life that will make us ourselves, our families, and our nearby community all in sync with nature, and will allow us to be the best, most in harmony with our evolution that we can be!

What sort of life would this be?  We are going back go Ancient Greek, and early Christian ideals here.  I believe # 1 would mean a rural, either country or small town type of life.  A place where we know our neighbors well, where everyone is as self-sufficient as they can be!  

A place where all have a voice, and big government is as minimal as it can be.  A place in the woods, or in the countryside, far from the inevitable corruption that accompanies metro-types of areas, where there are huge concentrations of people in a smallish area.

Look at our big cities of today, everywhere:  they have become awful places, in every sense of the word.  Out of control crime, de-policing, no punishment for horrible acts, along with horrible schools that teach nothing, and could care less.  Big cities are now cesspools of crime, where the most evil and incompetent are put in charge!

I see our modern cities in the U.S. where I live now, as akin to old cities of antiquity, that are abandoned and left in the jungles.  The builders have left, or been destroyed, and replaced by degenerates, and even subhumans who have wandered into these cities, and pretended, or ‘aped’ the former residents, with no knowledge or ability of how to actually maintain or step into the roles of these forebears.  They only want the power, the ‘prestige’ of the former geniuses, with no responsibilities or anything else.  

So, where to go?  These cities are utterly lost.  Rural America is still unspoiled!  Go there, and build a life.  It is still available, as long as big government, meaning nowadays big Democratic top-down authoritative government if kept at bay!!

Smaller cities, particularly in the Midwest and the West are still unsullied, and open to honest settlers.  They are basically unchanged, and while ‘liberal’ socialist types are everywhere, even here, they are not given free rein!  Reason still rules, although liberal/socialistic/communistic nonsense is constantly attacking…

Florida is an antidote to the retarded hellhole of what California has become, and so that is certainly an option.  You will need to do your homework, but the thing is: at least in the U.S. there are many places where you can still go to live a successful paleo type of life!  A life unencumbered by Big Government, and a purposeful breakdown of Western Civilization itself.

Go to where small towns, small businesses, and small schools still hold sway!  Homeschooling is wonderful, and small towns is very similar to what it was in “Little House on the Prairie”, where local families hired a teacher to teach their children directly,  and determined the curriculum.  No Teacher’s Union was asked for, or wanted!  

Remember: This is for your own good as well.  Each person and family is such communities will need skills to survive!  Job skills, for sure.  But also, if you have a homestead place that is ideal, really: you have to have the skills to maintain your place, meaning mowing on a largish scale, maintenance of trees, house, lawn and everything else!  This is a LOT, and takes a lot of energy and initially- learning.  

You’ll need equipment: tractors, chain saws, tillers, and on and on!  This has become a lost art; big city dwellers, and suburbanites, have become hostages to big city taxes, that supposedly take care of all of your needs…. Lately, we see that they really DON’T, and yet the taxes endlessly increase and multiply.

So GO.  Find your place, and go as soon as you can!  Raise your family THERE!  (That’s one of the main reasons to go- to save THEM)!  

Don’t get trapped in a place that is in reality a HIGH RISE NURSING HOME!  This is the alternative to a real, truly Paleo type of life!!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Genes which black people lack, and their possible effect on intellectual...

Save Your Homeland to Save Yourself podcast


We talk here about what to do to optimize our health and wellness.  And rightly so!  Eat right, a strongly protein-centric diet.  Plenty of micronutrients, from a paleo type of diet.  Good sleep, every night, in a dark room, devoid of blue light distractions and screens…

Of course, all of these are essential to a healthy life for us and our family!  Along with proper strength training, and adequate flexibility.  

But all of this counts for naught- if we lose our country of Western civilization and all that that has given the world at large!

Right now, the Democrat party in the US has proven that they are determined to undermine, and then terminate our country as it has stood since its inception.  By erasing our borders through non-enforcement, and allowing unlimited illegal immigration of the uncivilized and unlawful into our country, they have literally turned traitor.  

Every advantage built into our country by our forefathers is open now to be trashed!  Crime is being redefined, and legitimized throughout our nation, particularly in the large cities.  Traffic laws are being ignored and punishments are no longer enforced.

Hiring is now meant to be done by quotas of race and sex, not by merit.  Excellence is suffering; soon to be ruined by such quotas and mandates.  We are allowing the 3rd world primitives to enter our developed, civilized space of refinement and privilege.  No requirements are being asked, no basic levels of literacy, or knowledge of civics and western civilization are being asked for…

Why is this being perpetrated on the American people??

Because the Democrats want the votes of what they see as a permanent underclass.  A huge group of basically illegal people that are, and will be, eternally beholden to their ‘Masters’; the politicians in the Democrat party that will give them everything they need and want.  Forever!

This is the bottom line.  Sad but very, very true.  It is also sad that here, in a basically health and fitness podcast, these political matters should of necessity be brought up.  But the truth is that, without our free, clean, and very much Western nation and way of life, all else we desire to achieve and enjoy in our lives is gone- impossible!  

It would be as if the Persians, long ago, had conquered Greece, and destroyed the freedom and Western way of life they were even then developing for us.  It would all just- disappear!

The Democrats of today are as the traitors of the past- those who would offer the Persian invaders a secret way into their homelands, for a bribe of golden coins.  They were foiled back then:  and they need to be stopped now!

And this invasion is only part of the horror.  The Democrats plan not only to swamp us with invaders, but they also plan to deny us the ability to innovate, and enhance our energy resources so as to deal with transportation and heating and cooling.  They raise Climate Change as a false god to which we should sacrifice our technology, which is the undeniable fruit of Western civilization and capitalism.  In other words: discard the armor that we have developed that protects us from the undeveloped and primitive of the rest of the world.

Even things like allowing biological men to compete with women in women’s sports- the Democrats are overwhelmingly in FAVOR of this, and virtually no one else.

I could go on.  But my point if made: if you want you, and your family, to live a free, healthy life, lived as you have determined is the best for you and yours- 

Then now is the time.  Get rid of Democrats, and strive to live in a Red, Republican area!  Vote for freedom.

Notice that most Democrats themselves, live in areas that are law-abiding, without crime, and avoid illegals as much as possible.  They use private schools, and avoid the big teacher’s union horror schools for their own kids.  They are HYPOCRITES, each and every one!