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Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Human Diet and Lifestyle podcast

Ever since the paleo diet hit the news and the internet, different iterations and ‘spins’ on that format have appeared endlessly.  Even at the supermarket, I see magazines in the checkout lane, screaming KETO in large print!  “Eat FAT FAT FAT!” is all around, along with Carbs are death!

On the next magazine, Ozempic the diet drug is touted. “ Get skinny fast!”  Really?  They neglect to mention that not only do you need to take the drug for LIFE, but also that you lose muscle as well as fat!  (What a wonder drug is THAT??!!

Actually, nothing has really changed.  The Paleo Diet is still the ancestral human diet, and drugs and ketone inducers should be ignored.  The Carnivore diet of all animal products, primarily beef, can be great temporarily, as a kind of reset. But really, an ancestral human diet, a paleo diet, is our long-term sweet spot; a place that humans can live forever.  In  fact a place where humans have lived forever, and where we can maintain healthy, happy bodies of vigor and resilience for our whole life!

All we have to do is eat real, nutritious foods of natural meats and seafood, with a mix of vegetables and some fruits and nuts.  Have full fat dairy in the form of cheeses, yogurt, and kefir, and add in exercise of strength training, small amounts of running, and walking, preferably barefoot on the grass.  Sleep a good eight hours per night in a blackened room, without checking the clock during sleeping hours!  (Really, don’t look at the clock at night.  That only puts you into a ‘doom loop’ where you constantly are checking with mental gymnastics as to ‘how many hours are left til I have to wake up’…. This alone ruins your rest and sleep.  Set an alarm if you want or need to- but don’t check that clock every time you awaken for a minute!  Changing this one habit alone completely rescued my nightly sleep…

Stretch daily!  Morning stretches done daily in front of the TV, along with a dedicated strength session in your yard, deck, garage or basement are completely mandatory for every human.  Without such daily attention to your very humanity, and you will start to break down, slowly but surely.  Let your muscles atrophy and so too does your brain, bit by bit.  

The human body is an intricate balancing act of the proper nutrients, consumed by a body that is stimulated by the proper activity to require those nutrients to fuel and rebuild a sophisticated animal machine.  It’s kind of like the ‘Dance of Life’!

As for drugs, as in ‘diet drugs’?  They don’t belong in your human body!  In fact- NO DRUGS BELONG IN THE HUMAN BODY!  That is the ideal, now and forever.  If you are taking drugs, either recreational or prescription- get off of them!  God made your body as is; he never required man-made drugs for you to thrive.  TAKE NO DRUGS!

The same goes for surgeries.  Most surgeries are optional, and are a way for clinics and hospitals to MAKE MONEY.  For instance, you can reverse the need for knee surgery replacement with exercises shown by Ben Patrick on the website.  Many drugs and surgeries deal with conditions that can be rectified using natural methods that aren’t so invasive, expensive, and destructive of the body as those from the clinics!

But all of that aside: just lead a natural, ancestral life!  Be outside in nature, as much as possible.  Garden, play and relax in your yard.  Get lots of sunshine, and keep chemicals OFF of your lawn and garden.  Be a keen observer of nature- birds, deer, and all the wildlife in your area.  Relish it, it is TRUE beauty!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Beginner’s ATG Lifting Routine

Rush Predicted ALL OF THIS Then Gives Inspiring Message

Workouts as We Age


As you go through life, some things are constant.  Working out is one constant: your body needs to work out, consume healthy foods, and get ample sleep every day of your life.  These things remain the same!

I have found that working out for strength and flexibility actually become more important as you progress into your 50’s, 60’s and beyond.  But the amount of stimulation your muscles need for strength decreases, while the stretching required actually increases somewhat.  

Actually doing a strength session can be very intense, and productive, in less than a half hour!  It is the intensity that matters most.  Also, recovery from an intense session of strength training needs to be longer than when you are younger.  

I have also found that really draining movements, like heavy squats and deadlifts need to be far less frequent.  In your senior years, you probably have all of the sheer bulk you would want, anyway!  To be strong and yet defined is far more desirable as you get older.

I have pretty much eliminated, at age 72, the barbell back squat, the deadlift, and the bench press.  Pushups on the gymnastic rings, along with flies and other movements are preferable to bench presses, and can be done at many angles.  Single leg or ‘sissy’ squats using the rings for balance are also much better for your knees, and take the emphasis off of your glutes and put it on to the front thigh.  Substitute the squats for these..

I also do kettlebell swings instead of deadlifts now, for high reps.  Quite exhausting, and targets the lower back without overstraining the nervous system to the point where recovery suffers!

Dips, pull-ups and rows are always good, and are improved by doing them on the rings as well.  As we age, it is great to avoid spinal compression by loading the body excessively by means of barbells.

Walk backwards, resisting with a heavy band anchored against your movement, and then walk forward.  I do this as my warmup before my strength sessions, for about 10 minutes- this will forestall knee problems very effectively.  Credit to the Knees over toes guy Ben Patrick for this!  Truly wonderful inspiration from him.

I used to work out for hours at a time.  I was young, and I was kind of stupid, well, uninformed at least.  Now I know better:

Workouts can be short, but yet intense.  Results do NOT suffer; in fact they can be BETTER!  

But, be sure to prioritize stretching.  Each morning I stretch, and do Virtual Resistance, first thing.  In front of the television= a win-win.  Wake up your body productively, and stretch it out for the day to come, and you are setting yourself up for a wonderful day.

Then, follow through with your diet: Eat protein, and make that your priority.  If you want some carbs, go with sour dough bread, but minimally.  Have a paleo smoothie (PLEASE) like I do daily- but now I consume a small one, of veggies, kefir, some berries and citrus, and sour cherrie juice that is spiked with iodine, vitamin D, and cod liver oil.  This is your “insurance” nutritionally speaking, and should be adhered to religiously!

These are the basics.  After these are fulfilled, just live a good, balanced life, as our founding fathers decreed.  Religion, conservative politics, and observing the golden rule along with your neighbors….

Life can be quite simple, and wonderful.  Just adhere to the basics of Western Civilization!!  All else is dross.