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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Fake Science PJSC podcast

For all of our modern reliance and so called ‘reverence’ for science in the western world, it is actually the fact that most real, fact-based science  is now ignored and largely unknown by those who are supposed to the the gatekeepers of scientific information.  I mean the medical doctors, the many mainstream forms of media, and, of course- politicians.  

These so-called gatekeepers-far from being the impartial relayers of the latest scientific findings, have instead become largely abusers of the public trust.  For instance, the mainstream media, both in print and television, insist on promoting the misleading bit of untrue science called global warming, despite its documented utter falsehood.  Of course, they do this to further their own leftist political ends: global warming or, since that is obviously not proving true- climate change- is, contrary to what is advertised, i.e.  “that 97% of climate scientists agree” that this is happening- is actually that only .3% support this theory!  0.3%!!  Hardly overwhelming, is it?  Minuscule is more like it.

This theory is simply a power grab, a way for governments to take over more money, taxes and power to supposedly fuel their noble aims to ‘save the planet’.  Money and power they can use any way they’d like, worldwide, since the theory is totally unsupported by science or even common sense.  So, they have all this power and money to use any way they’d like.

And as Paleo People, we have long since come to take the Medical doctors and clinics and hospitals at large with way more than a grain or two of salt.  Stents have become big business, and implanting them in millions of people each year is a huge money maker- yet, it has been known for some time that stents are largely a placebo- people who think they were given a stent have just as much improvement as those who actually given one surgically!  In addition, the patients are also told that they will need to have it replaced in a few years, so save up…

Statins are another, a drug that actually only helps a very few who have already had a heart attack, and whose cholesterol levels are genetically out of whack.  Cholesterol actually is very beneficial, particularly the older you are, and most especially if you are a woman.  Most people should never take statins, which are loaded with lethal side effects (as are all medications),and yet it is often recommended by those men and women in the white coats that statins should be put in the public drinking water!  Just like fluoride, which is put into our drinking water, to our detriment.  Fluoride has been linked (via real, actual science!) to adverse health effects such as IQ deficits in children, depression, weight gain and heart disease.  In addition, it does not appear to help prevent tooth decay!

How about the ‘My Plate’ food guidelines issued by the USDA?  Eight servings of grains per day- low fat, low calorie, high fiber, low protein??  It is still set up as our ultimate, medically sanctioned guidepost- despite the fact that the U.S. is now fatter, and sicker, than at any time in its history.  And diabetic- and what is the medical standard of care for diabetics, those who have unremittingly high blood sugar levels that inflame their entire body and render it very susceptible to every disease from obesity to blindness, to the loss of limbs and to heart disease?  

The recommendation is to eat lots of grains, low fat, and otherwise whatever the standard American diet of fast food and cereal inclines you to- just cover up your diabetes with insulin!  Insulin is a very expensive, and getting more expensive yearly drug, and very profitable.  The perfect disease to make your medical system lots of money, for as long as you (barely) stay alive.  Ironically, type 2 diabetes can usually be completely reversed by diet in a matter of weeks- but your doctor won’t tell you that.  And, even if you have type 1, by changing your SAD diet to a high fat, moderate protein diet with minimal carbs, you can keep your insulin usage down to the bare minimum.  Remember: insulin is an aging hormone.

Now let’s look at bariatric surgery, or gastric bypass of one sort or another.  Usually, this restricts your digestion by stapling your stomach, or removing part of your intestine.  I see billboards advertising this sort of thing all the time now, which I find downright scary- bodily mutilation to lose fat?  

And after the mutilation/operation is done, what is the followup??  Why, you just eat higher fat, low carb, paleo type of diet (they don’t call it that, but that’s basically what it is).  In fact, that is the only type of diet you can eat, now that your digestion is so messed up- if you don’t eat a good, nutritionally sound diet, you will be severely malnourished.  So- why not just change your diet- and then you won’t need the bypass!!  

And now, let’s get into global politics, the idea of being “liberal” and so-called “compassionate”.  You will go along with fake ‘green’ agendas like wind power, which produce tiny amounts of unreliable electricity while despoiling the landscape for miles and miles with hideous machines that looks like invaders from War of the Worlds.  Worse, these compassionate “green” ecologically minded folks conveniently ignore that literally millions of raptors (birds of prey) and bats are killed yearly by these ‘green’ wind machines!  All for a power source that is symbolic at best, and a very expensive way to make power per kilowatt.  Even Warren Buffet stated that “the only reason to build wind farms is for the federal subsidies”.  Fake science indeed!

I could go on about medical procedures that are just BS, like colonoscopies being unnecessary 99% of the time (if you don’t have a family history, just get an inexpensive blood test), and how flossing the teeth is actually harmful to the gums, pushing bacteria deep within the soft tissue.  (Do oil pulling instead, and brush with a fluoride free toothpaste- ‘Earthpast’ by Redmond’s is great!)  But I have podcasts and blog posts about such things, and this is a more all-inclusive sort of rant here.  So let’s get back to Leftist Global Elite/Marxist politics- truly a fake science of the highest order, and the biggest lie of all.

Years ago, after world war 2, Communism and its close cousin, Socialism, had been proven bankrupt, both morally and in the real world.  Both systems are really a screen for Oligarchies, where all the wealth of a country are stolen, not for the “benefit of all” as is stated- but to give to the elite oligarchs of the system.  The Castros, the Kruschevs, the Hitlers.

But, since everyone became aware that the marxist theories of the capitalist elite and the proletariat and the bourgeois were fallacious, the LEFT flipped the terms.  NOW they say that the bourgeois are white people (white privilege), and the downtrodden are everyone else- the proletariat are now any person who is dark, and the darker the more deserving!  

And they are acting on this, actively importing millions of third world people into the advanced countries of Western Civilization!  Make no mistake: the goal is to destroy our European countries worldwide, to destroy them from within.  Of course, the media denies all of this, saying it is all done in the name of compassion.  They cynically load our countries with low IQ people that they know will only be a high crime, high welfare using load of parasites.  If we do not stop it, this endless importing of foreign primitives will bring us down, actually replace us as surely as if we were genocided.  (Just look at South Africa to see our future in perhaps 100 years of less).

Then, the oligarchs- the uber-wealthy and elite will have it made!  Lording it over a bred-down, low IQ world nation, utterly indifferent to the lowliest quality of life, kings and queens over millions of slaves.  Trust me, once they are in charge, their so-called compassion will dissipate- the “useful idiots” of the many leftists and Democrats that helped them out over many years will be laughed at for what they are, as Lenin called them long ago.  Useful Idiots, who were discarded along the way.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

YOU are a Paleo Pioneer- not an Immigrant- podcast on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

Ancient paleo tribes, wandering through Europe- they would have never allowed tribespeople from elsewhere- the other- to come and sit about their campfire with them and their tribesmen and women.  To take their laboriously hunted meats and fish, their gathered vegetables- they would have fought rather to the death than give up their land and what they had built!  For they were the earliest of pioneers- making and taking what they could from the land to survive and thrive- for their own people and tribe.

Imagine: you are living many thousands of years ago in just such a tribe.  You have a good life, after centuries of hard, hard work and suffering.  You have even developed free elections of your own chiefs, to organize you into warrior bands to protect what you have built.  Because, although you are a stone-age cave person, you are not stupid.

Then, an evil chief from within your land declares himself a “king”.  Or a tyrant of any sort, whatever the name.  Many suspect he is insane, but he is powerful and determined.  He insists that you welcome all strangers that come against you, even your hereditary enemies from the cannibal tribe in the next valley that you have fought for eons, and not only welcome them, but to give them many of your own huts and caves, and even labor hunting for them, giving 1/2 of what you gain to them and their tribes!  

Soon, there are nearly as many of the cannibal tribe within your stone walls as without!  Many of your children wind up disappearing in the night, and it is known that they are often found in the cannibal tribes cooking pots!  Half of your tribe is up in arms, ready to expel these invaders, but the evil king that has mesmerized and fooled many of your fellow tribesmen and women insists that you are just racist, which is just a new term he has made up for the others, which is an evolutionary response that has kept our species safe for eons.  

Perhaps the king has made a pact with the cannibals, simply to replace his own race in order to be an absolute ruler over these new cannibal folk, who to him are totally subservient.  Some suspect he has connived with the cannibals to put strange herbs into the drinking water of his own tribe, making many of them so deluded and naive that they believe somehow that his obvious ruination of their entire tribe and city is somehow ‘only fair’, and so approved of by the gods.  Especially the new, Serpent god of the cannibals that he has forced the tribe to worship, as the equal traditional Gods of the Sun and Moon that your tribe has traditionally worshipped.

The old heavenly gods told us that men and women were equal under them, and that reason and light, brotherly love and justice were to be valued.  The new serpent god, beside cannibalism and human sacrifice, champions men over women, and people in general as far beneath both the evil King and his newly appointed court.  Debate is declared to be illegal, and punishable by death.  

Ultimately, the old gods are banished, and the stone doors of the city are flung wide, allowing all of the evil tribes nearby complete entry.  Women are attacked openly in the street, and if any of the original tribe defend them, they are sacrificed to the great Serpent.  This early civilization is finished.

Now let’s look at a modern parallel:

For the first few centuries of America, those who came over did so to carve out a place on a new continent, a place that they could support themselves and their families and posterity in.  They had no expectation that it would in any way be easy, or that anything at all would be given to them.  They knew they had to struggle, work unbelievably hard, and suffer privations beyond anything that they might have had to suffer at home- but they knew that in the end, they would be free!

FREE or oppressive government, free to worship their own God as they saw fit.  Originally, a big part of the huge effort to transplant themselves into a wilderness was to escape these governments, and also to escape the religious ‘government’ of tyranny; of the unnatural alliance of oppressive governance and The Church of England, or else the Roman Catholic Church.  Indeed, the early US was seen as “the great Protestant experiment”.

As we know, due to the incredible work ethic and the herculean efforts put forth by our forebears who had escaped from Europe, (many did not even survive the hazardous journey), that early Protestant Experiment was a HUGE success; becoming in fact the shining light on a Hill of civilization- the most wonderful civilization ever built on this planet!

Now, immigrants, illegal immigrants are pouring into our country by the millions.  They are not pioneers- they are building little or nothing.  They are here for free stuff- welfare, section 8 (free) housing.  Free schooling and medical care- the list is endless.  And the result will be the end of our civilization- listen carefully: the result will be the end of Western civilization.  The finish of over 2000 years of laboriously crafting of the most profitable, egalitarian, and learned societies in all of history!  

Many have a religion that is the direct antithesis of our own, and in fact have the goal of eliminating us and reducing us to abject slavery.  Evil rulers tell us that this is fine- it is our duty to welcome them, and to raise our taxes higher and higher so that they can be supported, (along with their huge, growing families within our country)- effectively making us curtail our own families, so as to pay the taxes to support theirs.

They attack us wantonly in the streets, and if we respond then we are at fault- we are racists, which is a strange term for the evil rulers to employ, since they also insist that race itself does not really exist.  We have simply invented it to persecute the other.  And of course this, as all else they tell us, is simply a LIE.

This is a paleo parable.  If you are wise enough to embrace the paleo principles, eschewing much of modern medicine as antithetical to true health, why the I am sure you can see the direct truth of this.  Preserving our modern, western way of life is at least as important in modern times as it was in the stone age.  So let’s do it!  Oppose open borders, both here and in Europe.  
Not to do so is not just naive and foolish- it is SUICIDE, not just for ourself- BUT FOR OUR ENTIRE RACE AND CULTURE.