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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The ultimate natural workout!

OK, today I had a busy, busy day... OFF!
Your body is a TRACTOR- keep it running strong!

That's right, I had the whole day off, and I spent the morning running errands.  Actually, I find it quite enjoyable to spend time driving around while everyone else is working- nothing is crowded, I already got my Perfectly Paleo Exercise in during the early AM, along with my Paleo Coffee, which is just organic coffee, run through the Aerobie Press, and with a tablespoon or so of added coconut oil... and, ala Bulletproof coffee, you can add pastured Butter as well- but I prefer to add that to my smoothie... here is more about that-Splendor from the grass! My 100th blog post- wowzer!!

Anyway, my point is the REAL WORK, as in actual, physical, taxing WORK, is also the ultimate workOUT!  When you are performing real-world tasks, such as I was today here in rural Wisconsin, like freeing a frozen trailer wheel, and then taking your back blade (for snow) off of your 3 point hitch, and then using the aforementioned trailer to haul (literally) tons of firewood since the trailer is now available...

This is REAL WORK.  Something that is a rarity nowadays in modern America!!

Hard to believe, but very true.

Working out in a gym, or in your living room is also character building...


It is a necessary ingredient for self actualization.  In other words, to become the best YOU that you can be, you need to accomplish, on a regular basis, REAL, HONEST TO GOD PHYSICAL TASKS!  On your own, with no help, and really challenging on a physical basis.

So, I freed up that trailer wheel, and I was REALLY pleased with myself!  (It took grease, a hammer, a screwdriver, a lot of grease, and forcing the trailer in reverse afterwords, if you must know)- and then, I took off the snow blade, and thought "Hey- now I can use the trailer to haul firewood!"   And so I took off, driving up to wood pile after wood pile, and loading them up!  

Wow, do I know how to have a good time or what!!?"

And, do you know what?  I was having a good time!  But I was also working my core, my back, my entire BODY as it was meant to be used.  Even getting off and back on the tractor (just like mounting a HORSE!) was taxing- 

The point is that this is how we are MEANT to live!

God did not want us to be slumped over in some cubicle all day, and then drive home and sit in front of a TV- 



We are meant to move.  To lift, puzzle out crazy physical problems, tax our bodies, and then rest, recuperate, enjoy our tribe and family, sing and dance, and sleep...  

The dance of life, if you will!  

But what is lost in the modern world, most often, is the PHYSICAL component.

To stress yourself in the real world,
Solving real, physical problems
and taxing your own body to achieve that end...

Is NECESSARY to realize self actualization, or:


So, go on out and do what needs to be done!  Do your daily visualized workouts, and rejuvenate yourself daily!  Sleep for a MINIMUM of 8 hours per night!!  

But do NOT neglect to accomplish REAL WORLD TASKS!  

This is what really taxes, strains, and MAKES YOU WHAT YOU ARE!  

It's not easy, but is SURE beats living in a nursing home!

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