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Friday, June 29, 2018

Paleo Life is a Three Point Hitch! Podcast on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

I have become a devotee of the tractor.  I have a compact version of that machine, a 33 horsepower machine that has changed my rural life from one of endless, backbreaking labor, into one of rare efficiency and productiveness!  A tractor with a diesel engine can accomplish many tasks, not only with the loader on the front that can lift huge loads of rock, soil and wood effortlessly, transporting them across your land to where you need them- but also with its oh so versatile 3 point hitch!

For a 3 point hitch is a universal attachment that allows many- in fact, an almost endless variety of implements to be attached to your tractor.  

Now, bear with me.  Even if you are not a rural dweller, this will make sense shortly:  let’s say you have a tractor, an expensive machine you have gotten to help you on your land, and to facilitate your life.  It’s a strong, versatile machine that can climb and move things, but without the 3 point hitch, you can’t do that much.  

BUT, with the 3 point on, you can attach a really lot of useful things: mowers, tillers, blades (for plowing snow, and moving dirt and other things), box blades (for grading drives), rakes and- well, the list of attachments is nearly endless.  

What does this have to do with your life, in particular your life as a Paleo Person, someone attuned to wellness and fitness from an ancestral perspective?  Well, a lot, it turns out!

The PALEO concept has matured, it has changed, it has grown as more science has come in.  (I mean real science, not the outdated Scientism of dogma, which is outdated science that has been rolled into modern life via fake medicine, which has largely become the “science” of the 1970’s or before.  Things like “low fat, high carb”, “the food pyramid” of endless grains, and the like.

And like I say, PALEO as a concept has also changed.  Originally, it meant eschewing grains and all nightshades like potatoes and tomatoes, eliminating dairy, and being sure to ‘lift heavy things’ to stay fit.  CrossFit was wonderful!  Lift heavy, run fast, and beat your body to pieces!!  Strain makes gains!!

Well.  From my current paleo perspective, a lot of this is nonsense- yet, I still consider myself, PaleoJay, to be still fully in the Paleo Camp!  How can this be??

Because it, like our genome, has evolved.  While it is still the case that we are the product of evolution, and that our bodies and minds need an ancestral diet and lifestyle to thrive, the ever-evolving science behind the knowledge that supports just what this means for us has changed and evolved as well!

Now, we know our microbiome is all important!  Those tiny gut microbes are so important for our health;  yet just a few years ago their crucial nature was unknown.  We need some carbs, probably, to keep them alive and thriving… (although perhaps this is premature)!  And potatoes and tomatoes seem to be fine for many people, as does- dairy!  In fact, for those of Northern European descent, it appears dairy is completely fine, and even a highly dense source of nutrition.

And CrossFit and other such extreme exercise notions (like spinning, extreme cardio, heavy weights, extreme stretching, and extreme gymnastics, powerlifting and Olympic lifting and bodybuilding) appear to be not paleo, ancestral,  and beneficial, are actually quite damaging.  

And this is why PALEO has a three-point hitch!  Paleo is a wonderful, strong tractor that drives us towards health.  Luckily, since it is also hitched to real science, it is easy to detach bad ‘implements’- like the Dairy is bad implement, and the damaging (and kind of nightmarish really) Crossfit implements, along with other mistakes!

The PALEO TRACTOR is a wonderful, versatile implement!  It is concerned only with Ancestral Health, and whatever implement you used to have hitched up behind you can be unhitched.  I have unhitched heavy weights, CrossFit, and all extreme quasi-sports workouts.  I now do Perfectly Paleo Exercise, which is natural, self-generated exercise, coupled with Heavy Hands walking and pushups on gymnastic rings, among other strategies.  

I have also taken to ‘safe starches’ as espoused by Paul Jaminet, like potatoes, both white and sweet, and nightshades are my friends.  I realize that walking in the forest daily, barefoot, is incredibly beneficial, and that SLEEP is actually more important than exercise!  

So remember- your Paleo Tractor has a 3 point hitch on it!  You are not required (as you would be in the Scientism of Standard Medical Practice) to adhere to outmoded ideas.  You are free, just as on your tractor at home, to unhitch anything that does work for you, or- more importantly- has been proven by the latest science to be counterproductive!

YOU are your own Paleo Tractor.  It is up to you to pay attention, and determine what is current in science and health, and to change your lifestyle accordingly.  You and you alone should determine this!

Trust me: your MD and health clinic- they have no idea.  The three-point is yours, and yours alone- just make sure you are riding down an ancestral path!


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Neanderthal DNA made us SMART!

Did you know that all of us of European decent are part- Neanderthal?  

Well, it’s true.  It turns out that the homo-sapiens Africanus emigrated from Africa approximately 70,000 years ago.  These very warlike people encountered the Neanderthals around 75,000 years ago, and interbred with them.  The Neanderthals, far from their modern stereotype of being primitive, warlike, and stupid, were actually quite peaceful, and had larger brains (and hence greater intelligence)! than our homo-sapiens ancestors.  

They mixed not only with homo-sapiens, but also with another extinct breed of humans, called the Denisovans, who were from the east.  The DNA of Neanderthals is mixed in with modern Europeans, and also with East Asians, who have not only Denisovan  blood, but also have more Neanderthal DNA than moderns of Europeans descent!

Bear with me: there is a point to my ancient wanderings.  

It appears that homo-sapiens, as they emerged from Africa so long ago, were incredibly warlike and violent- this is how they conquered the northern continent.  They were also more athletic and adept at running and spear throwing, since Neanderthals, although incredibly strong, were incapable of throwing objects overhead due to their skeletal structure, and were also unsuited to swift running because of their heavy, muscular builds.  

It seems that Neanderthals were large-brained thinkers, very suited to peaceful living in small tribes, hunting and worshipping the gods they knew.  Even the earliest cave paintings were done by Neanderthals, not the later invaders. This early people were incredibly sensitive and intelligent!

In my opinion, it is this Neanderthal admixture that has made us what we are today- intelligent, and yet compassionate and concerned with ethics and morals.  Not only did it give us light hair, eyes, and skin, which are indispensable in dealing with a far northern clime- our Neanderthal ancestors gave us larger brains, made us more peaceful and compassionate, and an ability to live in peace, based on intellect and a respect for morals.

This may appear to be a huge leap, but I stand by it.  Our overall IQ made a huge leap forward after we became interbred with Neanderthals.  This has been maintained to the present day, as IQ scores readily indicate: Asians are highest overall, followed by those of European descent.  African blacks with no Neanderthal DNA are the lowest overall.  This is the “bell curve”- meaning that while there are blacks who are just as intelligent, they are far more rare, since their base IQ level is around 70, while that of whites if 100, and Asians 106 or so.  

While this may be distressing to some, it is based upon established, evolutionary science, just as is the paleo diet and other things that modern people find hard to accept, such as modern grains being poor food for humans, and GMO foods similarly noxious.  We are products of our evolutionary past, and when that past is deviated from, we suffer.  

Never in ancient times did hunter gatherers live in tribes of ‘multicultural’ people.  NEVER!  The other races were inherently enemies; indeed, the tribe over the hill was probably an enemy.  We get along best with those most like us, and we always have, and always will.

The Neanderthals, peaceful as they seem to have been, were ultimately absorbed- but only after bequeathing their valuable DNA to the future generations of humans.  We Europeans and Asians are in essence their two hybrids, benefiting from what they gave us.  We are less violent by far, and much more intelligent than we would be otherwise.  

Taking in illegal immigrants, or actually any immigrants from countries substantially different from us will never work.  It never has, and nowadays the likelihood, given our complex modern western societies, the chances it will are even less.  

This immigration only serves to shore up endless votes for the political, leftist elites of western lands, and supplying them with very cheap labor along with endless welfare costs to punish the native born.   It also dumbs down future voters, who will continue to vote in totalitarian, welfare-giving governments well into the future.

Have no part of it!  Illegal immigrants from 3rd world places can only harm us in numerous ways, such as vastly increased crime, cultural dilution and digression, and BIGGER government.  Remember our ancestors, the Neanderthal- they too were overwhelmed and swamped by a tide of invaders.  They live on within us, but overall- they are gone.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Save your Teeth! (and don't get sick as well) on Paleo Quick tip of the Day

I have been experimenting with Xylitol for a while now, and while this low calorie sweetener is almost exactly like sugar when substituted for it, the results of it on the body are amazingly different!

For one: sugar is deadly to oral health!  Sugar in your mouth is tantamount to oral suicide, since sugar feeds the bad bacteria that causes tooth decay, and also results long term into periodontal disease, destroying your gums, which are the literal foundation that secures your teeth.  Xylitol actually increases the health of your teeth, since it ‘fools’ the bad bacteria into thinking that- “hey- here is wonderful sugar- let’s eat!”; but, when these bad bacteria consume this xylitol, they then suddenly realize that there is no sustenance here- it is a fake out!  And so, they starve and die, leaving your oral cavity undamaged!! 

The same thing happens in the nasal cavity, it turns out!  I have been experimenting with xylitol recently, and have bought a product called Xclear, which is simply saline solution mixed with Xylitol.  At the first sign of a cold coming on, I have sprayed it into my nostrils, and waited…

Two times, when I thought a cold was coming on I used it- and in both situations, that cold was averted!  Easy Peasey.

But, yesterday, I had already come down with a cold- you know what it’s like: my head was so stuffed up I could barely speak, and I was miserable!  And I was scheduled to sing the next morning in church!

I sprayed the Xylitol solution into my nostrils, for two times, and went (early) to bed.  When I awoke the next morning- I was almost normal!  I sprayed one more time, took a shower, and sang- I was 100%; well, maybe 98%- but so much better.required
Church went amazingly this morning.  More importantly, I felt so well, that I cut down and moved two trees this afternoon!  I mean, how exciting is it that when, you think you are going to be bed-ridden for days- and you suddenly are perfectly all right!!??

And I also know that, when you bake anything, xylitol is pretty much a one on one substitute for sugar.  And the price is not much different as well, as long as you can find it.  (Online it is always available).   

In Finland, I have read, Xylitol is a required candy or gum after meals, to ensure oral health!!  And so, it seems to be a total non-brainer, right? 

Well, it is as far as it goes… but overall, I would relegate sweeteners to the “Sweet Bye and Bye”, overall.  (Which is a song we ran over today after church for later performance!) 

ALL sweeteners are suspect!  They lead us into the “rat’s nest” of sugar sugar sugar, which is our nemesis as humans.

Use Xylitol as an herb- use it medicinally to treat incipient type 2 diabetes, or an addiction to sugars and carbs.  Use it to treat your oral cavity to save your teeth and gums!  But overall?

Cut sweeteners and their twins (carbs and breads) to the bone!

This alone will stop most health problems in this our modern era.  Eat real foods, sans grains and sugars, and when you do use sweeteners- use natural ones, like local honey, and maple syrup! 

It really is that simple, for health both local and national: go local, and natural.

Check out this episode!