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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BEYOND ORGANIC Health Reset with the 3 Day Suero Cleanse!

A new product line that I am really excited about is the Beyond Organic! offering from Jordan Rubin's health company!  Beyond Organic is a company devoted to not only offering the most healthy supplements and actual foods, herbs and beverages available anywhere, but their mission is also to make available to anyone, wherever they live, the ability to provide their families with the ultimate nutrition for their health and well-being.  

I am particularly excited about their 3 Day Suero Viv Cleanse!  

In this 3 Day modified cleanse/fast, you reset your body, by going on a probiotic, cultured whey regimen of consuming only the beverages recommended on the program.  This cleanse, the ultimate goal of which is to revitalize your cells, and repopulate with healthy bacteria the colony of the gut.  This sets the stage for dramatic health when you start in on a Healing, Paleo type of diet afterwards, with real, God made foods, natural foods that we were meant to eat, for the rest of your life!

Weight loss of 5 to 10 pounds is average for the 3 day period, and hunger is non-existant!  

But, more important than the weight loss is that the stage is thereby set for 


Hear is what Dr. Axe has to say about this in the brief video below:

I am really pumped about this company!  The mission of Beyond Organic to revitalize American farmland, reverse the advance of Genetically Modified "foods", and to restore the health of people worldwide through the championing of real food is something sorely needed.  

I will talk about more of their products in the future, both on my PaleoJay Podcast and on this site!   Any comments or questions will be answered, so look over the Beyond Organic site, and get inspired by the possibilities, both in your own life and that of your family, and worldwide!


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