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Monday, April 16, 2012

Perfectly Paleo Exercise coming SOON!

Alright- I have uploaded my new eBook to Amazon- Perfectly Paleo Exercise!  As you can see, I have not abandoned the Paleo Smoothie as a foundational part of the Paleo lifestyle...if anything, it becomes continually 'tweaked' into more and more of a perfectly paleo nutritional lynchpin!

BUT, I have decided to offer this new, much more inclusive, much more video-intensive eBook on Amazon exclusively.  I know that many of my readers are Mac based, and like their iPads and iPhones for  viewing their eBooks on... 

But I'm here to tell you that you can view my new eBook on ANY device!  Just download the (FREE!) Kindle App to your iPhone or iPad, and you can read anything from Amazon.  It really is a sweet deal!

Anyway- the book is done, and uploaded, and ready for your viewing pleasure....

But I haven't finished the cover yet!

A small thing, you might say, but COVERS make or break a book- I plan to make a nice one!

Stay tuned: you may think that PaleoJay has become "French-ified" after you see the new book cover...

But hey- you've gotta have a little fun, right??

Stay tuned...


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