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Friday, March 16, 2012

Bone Broth!

One of the best things, nutritionally, that you can do for yourself and your family is to make bone broth.
This is where you take a chicken, fish, or beef carcass or bones and just... simmer them, taking the numerous, incredibly nutritious nutrients out of the bones and connective tissues, and getting them into the broth!  

From the broth, it goes into your soups and stews, and then...into you!

There is almost nothing in your body that does not benefit from bone broth:  your digestive lining, long insulted and destroyed from years of grain eating and S.A.D.  Standard American Diet, will be able to regenerate with all of the minerals, collagen, and calcium and magnesium (among other unidentified nutrients!) that the bone broth provides.

"But Jay" I hear you asking, "Just HOW do I make it?  I'm not a chef, and as a creature of the present, a veritable zoo animal, I don't know how to do any of the basic things our forebears knew as a matter of course! (But, I do have a stilted, old-fashioned way of talking...)"

Well, here is how:

Traditional Bone Broth in Modern Health and Disease
by Dr. Allison Siebecker
Bone Broth letter

Broth, made from the bones of animals, has been consumed as a source of nourishment for humankind throughout the ages. It is a traditional remedy across cultures for the sick and weak. A classic folk treatment for colds and flu, it has also been used historically for ailments that affect connective tissues such as the gastrointestinal tract, the joints, the skin, the lungs, the muscles and the blood. Broth has fallen out of favor in most households today, probably due to the increased pace of life that has reduced home cooking in general. Far from being old-fashioned, broth (or stock) continues to be a staple in professional and gourmet cuisine, due to its unsurpassed flavor and body. It serves as the base for many recipes including soup, sauces and gravy. Broth is a valuable food and a valuable medicine, much too valuable to be forgotten or discounted in our modern times with our busy ways and jaded attitudes.

In general, broth is a liquid made by boiling meat, bones, or vegetables. There are many types of broths, based on what is being cooked. For example, Bieler Broth, a vegetable broth made with green beans, zucchini, and celery is a supportive remedy used in detoxification or cleansing protocols. Consommé, a rich broth made from meat, is another example. It is prepared by reducing, or prolonged simmering. Stock is another word used synonymously with broth, though some chefs denote stock as being made from bones whereas broth is made from meat. In this paper the two names are used interchangeably. Soup is a similar term referring to simmered vegetables, meat, and seasonings, and is defined by Random House Webster's Dictionary as a liquid food.1 The difference is that soup contains solids such as meat, beans, grains or vegetables (sometimes disguised by a purée) while a broth is the liquid in which solids have been simmered and then discarded. Soup is what we think of as having for a meal. Broth is a starting ingredient for soup, and must be prepared separately beforehand.

The ingredients are as follows: bones from an animal, with or without meat and skin, enough water to just cover the bones, a splash of vinegar, and optional assorted vegetables or their scraps. Making broth requires almost no work, just put the bones in a pot, add water and vinegar, bring it to a simmer and walk away. No chopping or tending is needed.

Why then, don't people make it? Stock needs to be prepared in advance to mealtime. It needs to boil for hours, and the longer it simmers, the better it gets. An easy solution is to routinely put meat scraps into a pot, instead of the garbage can. Broth can just as easily be extracted from a single chicken breast bone as it can from a whole chicken, and it need not be raw. Broth can be allowed to simmer on lowest heat for a day or two. The greatest amount of work is at the end, when it must be strained, cooled, and put into containers, still not very troublesome. It can be kept in the refrigerator for about five days, or frozen for months.2 With stock on hand, homemade soup can be ready for dinner within 20 minutes. 

So, there you go!  Just save up all of your bones and carcasses (like chicken breast bones and fish carcasses, stripped of meat, and beef (soup) bones, and simmer them.

Really, really easy.  And the health results are WAY better than what you will get from the latest trendy, pricey, groovy supplement you can but for big bucks!

It's like training, naturally, in your living room or yard... not only far easier, convenient and cheap:



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